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Lash Makers的Pure Bond革命性,透明,极快干燥的粘合剂。我们只是从经典的Instant Bond中取走了墨水,这使该胶粘剂更加集中-即使在低湿度下也可以更快地干燥。现在也是时候以墨水过敏给所有客户打回电话,没有墨水-没问题。无可挑剔的医用级粘合剂。 1-2秒的快速干燥时间,可实现睫毛膏的顺滑快速涂抹。透明,液体稠度。鞭子制造者的个人一直喜爱的惯例。 低烟胶 湿度10以上p 干燥时间1-2秒c) 强力粘接 不含乳胶/甲醛 稀/低粘度 可用于经典和批量睫毛应用 基于最常见问题的有关Pure Bond胶粘剂的简要介绍1.不含乳胶/甲醛2.湿度和温度-这种胶粘剂即使在低湿度,10-15或更高温度下也能完成工作;摄氏73度是理想的温度。 3.干燥时间1-2秒。重要提示-使用前,请先隔离,然后再用风扇/间隙收集胶水。即使您以光速隔离,在风扇上粘有粘合剂的情况下,粘合剂仍然已经开始结晶的时候,它仍会粘住吗?它会在最佳状态下保持最佳状态吗?4,每次要挤压新滴剂时都要摇匀,因为当产品静止一会时成分会分离。 5.开瓶后的保质期-5周。如果需要,可以给瓶子加上日期-所有速干粘合剂最多只能保持5周新鲜。因此,即使您的瓶子装满了一半,已经有5周了,请放手。保持黏贴新鲜比“鞭打”人们更容易,后者在睫毛出现后三天打电话给您,抱怨他们脱落,这不值得您花费时间。 6.请勿将此胶粘剂放在冰箱中。远离直射光。请勿将其放入盛有米的罐子中-它仅适用于常规干燥时间为3-6秒的胶水,它将使您的胶水变干。 7.保持力-正确使用睫毛只会在自然脱落周期中脱落。 8.过敏-人们对大多数碳粘合剂都可能过敏,甲基过敏也是可能的,因此适合有碳敏感性的人使用。附言-始终有2瓶可用。一种可供使用,另一种用作后备—当绑扎为生时,没有什么比胶粘剂用尽更有趣了。远离直射光,最多4个月。祝你好运! Lashing!




Lash Makers的Pure Bond革命性,透明,极快干燥的粘合剂。我们只是从经典的Instant Bond中取走了墨水,这使该胶粘剂更加集中-即使在低湿度下也可以更快地干燥。现在也是时候以墨水过敏给所有客户打回电话,没有墨水-没问题。无可挑剔的医用级粘合剂。 1-2秒的快速干燥时间,可实现睫毛膏的顺滑快速涂抹。透明,液体稠度。鞭子制造者的个人一直喜爱的惯例。
  • 低烟胶
  • 湿度10以上p
  • 干燥时间1-2秒c)
  • 强力粘接
  • 不含乳胶/甲醛
  • 稀/低粘度
  • 可用于经典和批量睫毛应用
基于最常见问题的有关Pure Bond胶粘剂的简要介绍1.不含乳胶/甲醛2.湿度和温度-这种胶粘剂即使在低湿度,10-15或更高温度下也能完成工作;摄氏73度是理想的温度。 3.干燥时间1-2秒。重要提示-使用前,请先隔离,然后再用风扇/间隙收集胶水。即使您以光速隔离,在风扇上粘有粘合剂的情况下,粘合剂仍然已经开始结晶的时候,它仍会粘住吗?它会在最佳状态下保持最佳状态吗?4,每次要挤压新滴剂时都要摇匀,因为当产品静止一会时成分会分离。 5.开瓶后的保质期-5周。如果需要,可以给瓶子加上日期-所有速干粘合剂最多只能保持5周新鲜。因此,即使您的瓶子装满了一半,已经有5周了,请放手。保持黏贴新鲜比“鞭打”人们更容易,后者在睫毛出现后三天打电话给您,抱怨他们脱落,这不值得您花费时间。 6.请勿将此胶粘剂放在冰箱中。远离直射光。请勿将其放入盛有米的罐子中-它仅适用于常规干燥时间为3-6秒的胶水,它将使您的胶水变干。 7.保持力-正确使用睫毛只会在自然脱落周期中脱落。 8.过敏-人们对大多数碳粘合剂都可能过敏,甲基过敏也是可能的,因此适合有碳敏感性的人使用。附言-始终有2瓶可用。一种可供使用,另一种用作后备—当绑扎为生时,没有什么比胶粘剂用尽更有趣了。远离直射光,最多4个月。祝你好运! Lashing!


  • Latex/Formaldehyde Free 
  • Humidity and Temperature - this glue gets the job done even in low humidity, 10-15% and up; temperature 23 is ideal. 
  • Drying time 1-2 seconds. Important tip - prior to application, isolate BEFORE you collect the glue with the fan/lash. Even if you isolate in the speed of light it is still time that your adhesive already started crystallising while you are holding your fan with adhesive on it, will it still stick? Yes. Will it last at its best? No. 
  • Shake your bottle very well every time you are about to squeeze a new drop as ingredients tend to separate when the product is standing still for a while. 
  • Shelf life after opening the bottle - 4 weeks. Date your bottle if you need to- ANY fast-drying adhesive will only stay fresh up to 4 weeks, all of them. So even if your bottle is half full and it has been 4 weeks- let it go. It's easier to keep your adhesive fresh than "relash" clients that calling you 3 days after you did their lashes, complaining they are falling off- not worth your time. 
  • Do not keep this adhesive in the fridge. Just keep away from direct light. DO NOT put it in a jar with rice- it only works for glues with regular drying time (3-6 sec), it will dry up your glue. 
  • Retention- with proper application lashes will only shed during the natural shedding cycle. 
  • Allergies- People may be allergic to any adhesive (majority to carbon), methyl allergy is possible as well, therefore suitable for people with carbon sensitivity. 
  • Always have 2 bottles available. One to use, another as a backup- there's nothing sillier than running out of adhesive when you are lashing for a living. Keep away from direct light for up to 4 months.


Ethyl cyanoacrylate, Poly(methyl methacrylate) 


Pure Bond MSDS


Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Maxine Z
Love clear glue

In Sydney the weather is pretty up and down. I had to give this a go as I heard amazing things about this glue. So far my clients are noticing no stingying and good retention!

Xue Tan
Great glue!

I've purchased the lashmakers clear and black glue and they both work great but the clear pure bond is my favourite

Sue Jones
This changed my lashing game

I was recommended this glue due to the fact in Sydney the humidity tends to be high, this glue has changed the way I lash. It has made my clients retention so much better! and I don't have to rely on using a accelerator to help with my attachment. LOVE IT