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Tool Tweezer Cleaner Bath


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Bring your tweezers back to life by giving it a tool bath! No more picking off the dried glue to clean any adhesive residue. Tool...

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Bring your tweezers back to life by giving it a tool bath! No more picking off the dried glue to clean any adhesive residue.

Tool bath for your Tweezers easily removes adhesive from your tweezers.

- Clean in a few seconds instead of minutes 
- Re-usable until liquid is gone 
-Magic Pink Poof Ball

Quick and easy, just dip your tweezers carefully in the jar and twist into the sponge poof ball for 1-3 seconds - or until glue is clean off. Be careful not to bend or damage the tips of your tweezers. Remove and wipe the tweezers with a clean towel.

Not to be used to clean your whole lash tweezers, only the tips.  Wipe your tips with 70% alcohol wipes after using Magic Tool Bath.
